What is responsible investing?
The term ‘responsible investing’ is an umbrella term that encompasses an increasing interest from individual investors to drive better investment outcomes through the understanding of a broad range of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues. You may have heard it called value-based investing, ESG investing, sustainable investing or ethical investing.
Investor interest has grown strongly in recent years given relative performance, societal and regulatory pressures.
There are many approaches used by investment managers, from ESG Integration (understanding risks and opportunities), through to excluding companies/industries, positive tilts/best in class, sustainability themed investing and ethical based investing.
What is ethical investing?
Ethical investing pairs the goals of achieving stable and positive returns on investment with your personal values and ethics. More than ever, individuals can use their dollar power to shape the world around them.
There is no one ‘ethical investor’. We all care about different issues and at Ethical Wealth Partners, we’re here to guide you through the things that matter to you.
For some, climate change is at the cornerstone of their investment decisions, while others may have a stronger focus on social issues such as inclusivity, workplace safety and community partnered business.
You may have a particular focus on a practical transition to a more sustainable economy, perhaps aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Understanding your position
The Responsible Investing Association Australasia (RIAA) have developed this guide to help you better understand where you sit along the responsible and ethical investing spectrum.

What about returns?
The body of evidence continues to stack up – nationally and globally – showing that responsible investments typically achieve stronger risk adjusted financial performance than their peers, consistently outperforming against benchmarks over short-term and long-term time frames.
Responsible Investment Association Australasia
*Past performance is not an indicator of future performance

How can we help?
We can walk you through all your options, from defining what matters the most to you, to designing a portfolio that not only builds towards your financial future but helps meet your personal values as well.
Ethical Wealth Partners is committed to making a difference. We are certified carbon neutral and strive to minimise physical documentation within our work practice. Michael is a member of the Ethical Advisers Co-op and a certified adviser with the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA).